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The HeatFrom the first time I saw the preview I couldn’t wait to see The Heat – a cop “buddy” comedy with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, where do I get in line? Unfortunately, I didn’t think the movie was any better than the preview. There is always a risk in showing all the best scenes in a preview, but even that didn’t exactly happen here, some of the funniest scenes in the preview were either cut out of the movie or changed in the final cut. Let me be clear, this was a funny movie and I enjoyed myself, but (and this was a big deal for me) I didn’t laugh out loud much.

The story was nothing new, but not overly predictable. Both Sandra & Melissa did a good job with their characters (I’m guessing anytime spent on this set was fun). I found the attempt at making Mullins and her family “rough around the edges” was too much. The bond formed between the women during the movie was believable (and I hope carries over into real life) and made me smile. Overall, a fun movie but it didn’t live up the preview.

WWZThe complete opposite was true of World War Z – I had no desire to see this movie… until my friends started talking about it. One friend has read the book (more than once) and another had seen the movie and thought I would enjoy it. So I gave it a shot. First, it has way more of a story than I was expecting. The search for “patient zero” takes us around the world and we learn a little bit more at each stop. Second, it is intense almost from start to finish. Once the movie was over I felt myself relax. Third, Brad Pitt was enjoyable (as suggested by my friend).

This movie is focused around Brad Pitt’s character, Gerry Hale. He is strong, observant, brave, funny, and someone I would trust. However, I had two favorite characters (both women) his wife Karin and a soldier, Segen. I loved that his wife was fighting right alongside him (she immediately started kicking attackers out of the RV); she was not a hindrance in any way. She was not weepy, whiny, or hysterical but she was strong, brave, prepared and listened well. Segen was also strong and brave (and has an enormous pain threshold). Gerry could not have made it through this crisis without these women!